About Us

About Us

At Hellbent, we believe in the power of great design. Collaboration between the client, builder, and architect is what leads to the best results. It’s a process, and we believe it should be a fun one!

Our goal at Hellbent is to offer clients exceptional architectural design services. We’re passionate about helping you turn your ideas into reality – not somewhere down the line, but right now.

Modern house

Bring Hellbent Energy to Your Design Project

What does it mean to be hellbent on an architecture project? To us, it means seizing every opportunity to do something great. It means innovating: pairing modern materials with classic quality. It means incorporating forward-thinking technology and designing with eco-friendliness and sustainability in mind.

We’re not here to offer you a choice of pre-made home designs or cookie-cutter restaurant spaces. Rather, we will partner with you to create something truly unique. From initial sketches to structural modifications to interior optimizations, we’ll be there to offer advice and make the process as enjoyable as possible.

Jamie Broadbent, Owner and Lead Architect

man doing skiing

Before I started Hellbent, and before I started down the path which led me to architecture, I first had to spend my 20’s in what I like to call my early retirement! As my older brother used to say, “don’t collect stuff, collect experiences!” So that’s what I did. I didn’t want to go down a career path right out of school like so many of my peers, I wanted to buck the norm and collect as many experiences as I could. What better way to figure out where my path would lead!

Had I not followed this path of discovery I would never have become an accomplished skier, or spent a summer in Europe with a backpack and rail pass. I wouldn’t have gone broke learning to surf in California, or discovered that I completely sucked as a waiter. I wouldn’t have become an owner of a ski photography business at Snowbird Utah. And likely I wouldn’t have rediscovered my knack for three-dimensional design, and become a licensed architect.

When you choose Hellbent for your project, not only do you get an innovative architect with nearly two decades of professional experience, you get someone who is willing to explore new ideas and help you find the best design for your project!

Get Started Today.